Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rosary Lab-top 

For the activity of the brown bag we had to bring things that we most cared for. I brought my lab-top that shows i like to be connected to the internet and i like computers. Also i brought my rosary that shows i am very religious. And last my glasses that show how smart i can be. I learned from this activity that this shows what we all truly value and why it means allot to us.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Team Purpose

Our purpose is to server our community by advancing in the medical field for this and further generations to come.

Friday, March 8, 2013

I want help people live longer lives. Also I want  help people get in touch with their past religions while still helping find cures and help people afford the medical care so that people can live wonderful lives with their families.

My experience using the Mad cards is that many people can make a change in a life for many people. I learned there a so many people in the world that need and i know i have the ability to make a difference in someone's life